Indian Stock Market shall remain open for regular trading hours on the day of presentation of the Union Budget for the year 2015 - 16, i.e. on February 28, 2015 (Saturday).
Market timings on Saturday, February 28, 2015 will be as follows:
Saturday, February 28, 2015 Time
Pre Open Order entry Open 09:00 hrs
Pre Open Order entry Close 09:08 hrs
Market Open 09:15 hrs
Market Close 15:30 hrs
Closing Session Start 15:40 hrs
Closing Session End 16:00 hrs
Saturday, February 28, 2015 Time
Normal Market Open 09:15 hrs
Normal Market Close 15:30 hrs
Note :
The daily mark to market settlement for Futures and premium settlement for Options, for trades done in F&O Segment on February 27, 2015 & February 28, 2015 will take place on March 02, 2015.
Shares bought on February 27, 2015 should not be sold on February 28, 2015 as trades done on both these days will be settled together on March 03, 2015.
The timings for pay-in schedule for stocks sold on February 27, 2015 , and February 28, 2015 will be at 09.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. respectively on March 03, 2015 .
For clarification kindly visit nse site