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New guidelines releases By NSE for futures and options

New guidelines releases By NSE for futures and options

In a circular, NSE said the new mechanism is aimed to further strengthen orderly trading. "Orders shall be matched and trades shall take place only if the trade price is within the reference price and execution range," the exchange said. Besides, the bourse would automatically cancel any incoming order if it is outside the reference price and execution range. There would be no change to the existing applicable operating ranges for valid order entry and all orders that are within the operating range shall be accepted as is being done currently, the circular said. "Trade execution range shall not be applicable to India VIX futures and long term Option contracts on NIFTY," it added.

The new framework would come into effect from May 5 and would initially be applicable "to mid and far month futures and options contracts only".

Source: moneycontrol, NSE India.


What is Intraday Tips ?

Q. What is Intraday Tips / Inraday Trading / Delivery trading.

A. There are basically two types of trading on stock market--
1- Delivery
2- Intraday

Delivery trading is one in which shares are bought and can only be sold after they are delivered by the broker.that means that they cannot be sold the same day , and delivery takes two to three days after they are bought and then they are ready to be sold.

Intraday trading which takes place for that very particular day and there is no delivery..they can be bought and sold the same day...and are automatically sold at the end of the trading session if you have not sold it by yourself during the trading session. The person who suggest such types of forecast is called

Intraday Tips
